A proper installation is important for the best result to have a nice lawn. Here are a few simple steps to consider when installing your sod.

  • Sod has 24 hour pallet life, make sure your yard is ready for sod prior to delivery or pickup. Make sure sod pallets stay moist or in shade while on the pallet.

  • Sod left on the pallet over 24 hours will die, we are not responsible for this.

  • All Pickup orders to be picked up between 8-10am Monday thru Saturday (NO SUNDAY SALES OR SERVICE).

  • The first step to preparing for sod is to free the area of rock, sticks, or existing grass
  • Till the top soil 4-6 inches down, or add top soil if necessary
  • Level the area smooth with a rake then roll lightly to firm the soil
  • Adding lime is recommend but not necessary, Rates are available on the lime packaging
  • Add fertilizer using the packaging recommended rate
  • Watering lightly the night before the sod is to be laid is ideal
  • Start on the edge of the area you plan to lay the sod and work across the area
  • Stagger the seams so they do not line up with each other
  • Do not over lap the seams
  • Use a sharp knife to cut around driveway, curbs, sprinklers, etc
  • Water after installation
  • To check to see if your sod is getting enough water simply lift one corner of sod to check if the soil is moist, not dry or saturated
  • Wait to mow the sod till the sod is secure to the ground by its roots
  • Never cut more than 1/3 of the total length of the grass off in one mowing
  • Mow with sharp mower blades to keep the grass healthy
  • After the sod is established water regularly one to two times per week
  • Best time to water is in the morning hours
  • Fertilize regularly with a recommended fertilizer and rate
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